From my lens

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Masking over the cracks

I’m sat here on Monday 27th July 2020 writing this blog post, after the announcement at the weekend on 24.07.20, when the government made the wearing of PPE / face covering, mandatory in England. That is, when visiting closed spaces such as supermarkets, petrol stations, retail shops etc, MASKS ON.

Although England has been late adopters to this next stage of addressing the pandemic, I suppose its ‘better late than never’.

I have found this whole COVID-19 pandemic to be very revealing and insightful, in regards to understanding the human psyche.

Largely folk are conformist / compliant towards adhering to these changes to societal customs, But I find the right to demonstrate, against such stances as lunacy, for example this MP recently in the Houses of Parliament spouting complete nonsense, as part of his constitutional right to debate.

Normal folk see sense.

What I am finding is that now masks are more common place, folk are more attuned to having their photograph taken, they are conscious about how they look. This change in mindset is making it difficult to catalogue my ongoing COVID-19 project, whilst I look to compile source photos for COVID-19 Volume II Zine.

I am sure things will settle down as masks become the accepted norm, as they have in the Far East.

Whilst I finish of this blog, the radio has had several articles today regarding Boris Johnson’s next government campaign with the fight against obesity. If this is a success, no doubt he will start offering marriage guidance classes.

Until next time, Keep snapping.

A selection of the images within this article are available for sale on the Website or Etsy Store, if you would like to enquire about something else, please click the email icon at the foot of this page.